Thursday, August 30, 2012

A Crafts Room Reclaimed!

For a while now, I have been wanting to fix up my crafts room.  I have been perusing all of the studios/crafts rooms of everyone online while wishing I had a place like that.
The thing is, I do.  Or at least I did when we first moved into this house.
We bought the house in the spring of 2009, and I made sure that one of the rooms was designated for all of my crafting.  I even painted it a rather creatively inspiring shade of orange called "pumpkin pleasure"( we have a rather intense love of all things Halloween in my family).

{Thinking of taking down the doors and placing a desk or work table in the closet to increase work space}

  I hung some artwork on the wall (paintings by my grandmother and uncle), a shelf, and plopped in some furniture. 
That's right, "plopped".  I don't think I really knew how I wanted to use any of it, and what my main focus would be.  I love to paint, though I haven't done it in years, and I love drawing with oil sticks.  In recent years I have gotten into machine sewing.  I also started working with mosaics and jewelry making.  When you combine that with my love of crocheting, embroidery and handsewing, I really didn't know what kind of set up I should have.

For the most part I seem to work best in the living room on the couch with my family.  I don't really need a separate room to do that.  The problem is that my supplies have sort of exploded into the living room and taken over.  I would like to have a space that is specifically set up for all of my supplies so that they can finally be organized.  It would also be great to have a little space in there set up for me to create.  A place where I can craft with my daughter; where we can paint, color, and do all kinds of crafty things.  I would also love a comfy seat or rocking chair to crochet in on occasion.
The room is not very large though, and there is quite a bit in it already (besides the boxes and bags of storage items that took over).  Some furniture needs to go, and some needs to be brought in, but I am starting to visualize my perfect space.  I must have it done this year!

These are all my original before photos.  I don't dare share the photos of it now!  It has sadly become a storage unit.  Picture some furniture with about 20 boxes and bags full of clothes we no longer wear.
Hoping to have some after pictures very soon!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I hope you get it fixed up just the way you want it! I also love mosaics and jewelry making and crocheting, etc, etc, etc!! ~Chandi
